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3D product configurator for sites on Shoper: 7 reasons why you should implement it

3D product configurator for sites on Shoper: 7 reasons why you should implement it

The retail landscape is evolving rapidly with digital transformation, and 3D product configurators have emerged as a game-changer for e-commerce sites, particularly on platforms like Shoper. These advanced tools empower consumers to interact with products in an immersive, customizable environment, shaping their purchasing preferences in profound ways. Our focus will be on the strategic importance of adopting such innovative solutions for merchants on Shoper. We’ll delve into how these configurators not only drive sales growth but also streamline business operations and reinforce a strong market presence. Beyond mere functionality, these configurators elevate the customer's shopping journey, potentially transforming casual browsers into loyal customers.

What exactly are 3D configurators?

3D product configurators for Shoper are an innovative digital solutions are revolutionizing the way consumers shop by offering an interactive design and personalization experience in a virtual space. These sophisticated tools do more than just display a product from different angles; they allow the consumer to modify attributes such as color, texture, and additional features in real time. It’s about bringing a product to life before it physically exists. This dynamic form of product display can increase user engagement and simplify the purchasing decision, providing a richer experience than static images ever could.

7 benefits of implementing a 3D product configurator for Shoper

Implementing a 3D configurator is a strategic move that brings an array of benefits to your e-commerce business.

It ranges from deepening customer engagement to boosting sales, and from enhancing operational efficiency to fortifying your brand's innovation and identity. A 3D configurator for Shoper not only reshapes how customers interact with products but also serves as a powerful tool influencing their purchase decisions. It promises improved offer communication, potentially reducing returns and complaints thanks to more accurate product visualizations. This move is a clear statement of a brand's commitment to leveraging cutting-edge technology to stay ahead in a competitive marketplace.

Wondering why you should incorporate this technology into your online store? Below, we present concrete reasons that make a compelling case for considering such a forward step.

Shape Your Vision with Our 3D Configurators!

Shape Your Vision with Our 3D Configurators!

From concept to creation, our 3D configurators bring your visions to life with stunning accuracy and dynamic interactivity.

Shoper and 3D configurator – increasing sales and conversion rates

Deploying a 3D configurator on the Shoper platform directly impacts the enhancement of sales and conversion rates. It allows for product demonstrations that engage and captivate customers through interaction. Offering personalized options through the configurator doesn't just meet the increasing expectations of customers for unique products, it also fosters a deeper connection with the brand.

Customers who have the option to tailor a product to their exact needs are often more decisive in their purchases and more likely to become brand advocates, contributing to a higher Customer Lifetime Value (CLV). Furthermore, the configurator serves as a tool for upselling and cross-selling, recommending additional items or upgrades that can enrich the customer experience and lead to an increase in the Average Order Value (AOV), an essential indicator of an online store's effectiveness.

Automate the sales process with 3D configurators for Shoper

The sales process is transformed by the integration of a 3D configurator on Shoper, thanks to the automation it introduces. This advancement eliminates the need for manual entry and the back-and-forth of communication regarding order specifics between the seller and customer. Such streamlining saves significant employee time, allowing staff to focus on more strategic tasks like developing customer relations or crafting marketing campaigns. Additionally, the precise product visualizations provided by Shoper's 3D product configurator reduce the likelihood of errors, misunderstandings, or ordering mistakes, thereby decreasing return rates and exchanges. Each improvement in this process is a step towadrs greater customer satisfaction and building stronger trust in the brand.

Competitive advantage – innovation and brand differentiation through 3D configurators

A competitive edge in today's market is often gained through innovation and brand differentiation, and 3D configurators are at the forefront of this trend. By offering product personalization capabilities, a company showcases its commitment to innovation, responding to the consumer’s constant quest for new experiences. What used to be a luxury service available to a select few has now become a standard expectation in the e-commerce sphere. Shops operating on platforms like Shoper can leverage 3D configurators to provide customers with unique experiences that set them apart from competitors. This approach not only highlights a brand’s focus on personalization but also addresses the individual needs and preferences of its customers.

Business flexibility through insights into customer preferences

Business agility is crucial in today’s fast-paced market, where businesses must adapt quickly and flexibly to the changing preferences of consumers. 3D configurators on platforms like Shoper gather valuable data on customer choices and behaviors, providing insights into the most sought-after features, styles, or options. This intelligence is invaluable as it enables a rapid response to trends and the tailoring of product offerings in real time. Companies that utilize this data can proactively shape their portfolios, staying ahead of market expectations and responding to customer needs preemptively. The integration of a 3D configurator on Shoper is not merely an investment in customer experience, but also in smart product and portfolio management, which ultimately translates to a strong and resilient market positioning for the brand.

Marketing and knowledge acquisition

In the era of social media the sharing of customized product designs by users is not only a mode of expression but also an emerging and potent marketing tool. 3D configurators on platforms like Shoper give customers the freedom to create and share their unique designs, enhancing the brand’s visibility and reach within social media landscapes. This natural extension into social reach has the potential to engage a broader audience and attract new clients. Moreover, the data harvested on customer preferences and choices through these configurators is a goldmine for understanding what consumers are seeking, enabling businesses to forecast future trends and optimize advertising campaigns for greater effectiveness and precision.

3D product configurator for Shoper: increasing efficiency without compromise

As businesses expand and the scope of their offerings diversifies, scalability becomes paramount. Shoper’s 3D product configurators are designed to meet the increasing demands of a growing customer base and more complex configurations. They ensure that businesses can evolve, tailoring to the needs of a dynamic market without the need for costly and time-consuming modifications. This adaptability allows businesses to enhance the performance of their e-commerce platforms, driving efficiency without sacrificing user experience quality or operational excellence.

Reduced need for physical samples and better inventory management

Integrating a 3D configurator can lead to significant cost reductions in the production and distribution of physical product samples. With 3D rendering providing customers a detailed view of the product, the necessity for physical prototyping can, in many instances, be eradicated. This translates to savings for both customers and businesses, as funds can be reallocated to other areas of operation. Additionally, 3D configurators facilitate on-demand product offerings, streamlining inventory management and reducing overstock. Efficient resource utilization and minimized excess inventory contribute to better cost efficiency and a more sustainable business model.

An example of a 3D product configurator for a store set up on the Shoper platform

An example of the 3D configurator for a store on the Shoper platform is the latest project we've undertaken: a configurator for urban benches. This showcases the high level of sophistication expected by modern consumers. The user has the ability to rotate the bench model 360 degrees, zoom in for a closer look, or zoom out to get a full perspective, providing a comprehensive view of the product.

Moreover, we have introduced a feature that displays the dimensions of the product, aiding customers in visualizing how the bench will fit into their chosen space. Furthermore, the integrated augmented reality (AR) functionality allows for the placement of a virtual model of the bench directly into the customer's environment. This powerful tool gives a realistic preview of how the bench will look in real-world settings, such as in a park or an urban space, enhancing the customer's visual experience and decision-making process.

3D product configurator at product configurator at

We believe that such solutions not only make the buying decision easier, but also make the whole process a pleasure – the customer can play with the design, match the environment and thus better express his own style.

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Author: Krzysztof Basista

Krzysztof Basista


For years, he has been involved in AR / VR projects ranging from entertainment to heavy industry. Always looking for problem solving through technology.

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