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How much does augmented reality cost?

How much does augmented reality cost?

It is said that everything is worth what someone is willing to pay for it. However, as is sometimes the case with innovation, the cost of creating it at the start can be high. A high component of the final price is promoting it and educating the public. But is augmented reality really an expensive solution?

Let's analyse this topic...

Augmented reality in two editions

In order to evaluate the costs of augmented reality, two possible solutions must be analysed. The first- augmented reality in the form of a dedicated application and the second - using native AR, available on our phones.

AR cost vs mobile app

Creating a dedicated mobile application costs on average between a few thousand and several tens of thousands of euros, assuming minimal complexity. The highest quality dedicated applications of high complexity, armed with AI, can cost up to several hundred thousand euros.

The development time for such an application is usually between three and 12 months. Dedicated applications are very popular among companies, although their development time and costs are much more expensive than using webAR.


WebAR stands for Web-based Augmented Reality and is a relatively new technology that does not require a mobile app to work. Users can access the AR experience directly from their smartphone using a native camera and a mobile web browser. This seamless user experience is one of the main reasons for the rapid growth in popularity of WebAR.

Examples of this are, for example, banners with AR effects on a website or ads created on the Facebook- Spark AR platform. When a user clicks on a post or banner and directs the phone's camera into the space, an augmented reality model is automatically loaded.

Our company creates and implements augmented reality models on client websites. They do not require installing anything additional or setting up accounts to log into the software. Models can be uploaded as a link or qr code and are stored in our model database. You do not need technical support, we are it.

Look, what is the best AR tools plan for your business!

Shape Your Vision with Our 3D Configurators!

Shape Your Vision with Our 3D Configurators!

From concept to creation, our 3D configurators bring your visions to life with stunning accuracy and dynamic interactivity.

Types of AR applications

Location-based AR

is a type of AR that is tied to a specific location. This can be anything from a specific GPS coordinate, to a location such as a landmark or shop. When someone opens an AR app and points their phone at a space, they will see AR content assigned to that location. Some of the technologies used in location-based AR include digital compasses, GPS, accelerometers and other tools to identify a specific location.

Tag-based augmented reality

This type of AR application works by recognising tags, then scanning them and sending the solution to the customer. Here is the solution used by Hyundai, for example, for users of its cars. It has created an app to facilitate the operation, maintenance and care of cars.

Markerless augmented reality

With Markerless AR, your AR app does not require any physical marker to activate the system. It can operate from anywhere and anytime, depending on when the user wants to use it. This app does not need information about the user's environment to overlay virtual content onto the real world.

Overlay-based AR

It is based on object recognition. It superimposes graphics, animations or 3d models onto an object scanned by the mobile device, such as an apple. For example, when the camera is pointed at an apple, animations and graphics appear, showing the layers of the apple, its nutritional values, information about the apple's variety and so on. This type of AR fully replaces 3D images and visual effects with the original image.


Simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM) is at the heart of AR applications. It allows the system to recognise where a 3D object will be so that the user can see it. SLAM locates the device and creates a map of the environment where the user is.

Consumer experience and types of content

  • Video – great type of message in immersive business cards or invitations.
  • 3D model of the produc - most commonly used in AR. Companies often turn to this solution to draw attention to a brand, product news or to better reach customers.
  • 3D animation - allows us to place animated objects that we will see in the real environment on our phone screen. This solution is quite complex, which certainly affects the final price.

How does content affect the cost of developing an augmented reality application?

The type of development is only the first step in determining the cost of AR. What you want your users to see and experience also has a significant impact.

The more the..... more

As you might guess, the more complex a project is, the more expensive it is. The price of AR solutions is influenced by:

  • determining the need and selecting the best solution,
  • software licences that support the creation and implementation of augmented reality,
  • salaries of specialists,
  • the costs of creating 3D models and animations,
  • storage of the project and technical support in its management.

These are the main components affecting the price of AR.

mARketing revolution

The introduction of augmented reality into marketing and sales, has moved them to a completely different plane. The effectiveness of augmented reality as advertising is significantly higher than the classic solutions used so far. Consumers using AR praise the convenience. Without leaving home, they can try on the table or sofa of their choice in their home. The technology makes it possible to create very realistic models, with brilliantly rendered colours and textures that change according to the incidence of light. Manufacturers of machines, can send the model in the form of a link or qrcode to 'try it on' on the production floor.

Not familiar with augmented reality?

No problem. Our job is to analyse, develop solutions, advise, create and implement augmented reality in your business. We do this in a possibly light, enjoyable and understandable way. We deal with the subject comprehensively. But for the effect to be knockout, customer involvement is essential!

From here, we encourage you to get to know our 3D configurator and offers 3D product visualization – see how we operate and see how much good we can do for you!

How much does augmented reality cost?

We work comprehensively and efficiently, with subscriptions starting from as little as 199 EUR net. Expensive? Not really!

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Author: Krzysztof Basista

Krzysztof Basista


For years, he has been involved in AR / VR projects ranging from entertainment to heavy industry. Always looking for problem solving through technology.

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