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Modern sales trends

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Why does the modern sales sector need customer facilitation? What are the latest trends in sales? Why is augmented reality being used in sales? Answers to these questions can be found in the following article.

5 trends that will help sales

Consumerism is still doing well in today's world. However, in the multitude of stimuli that fall on us every day, the attention of consumers is highly dispersed. That is way companies have been looking for ways to make shopping easier.

Check out the latest trends that are being implemented.

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Do you remember good old FAQ section on almost every e-store page you entered? There you could find answers to many frequent questions. Nowadays because lack of time for searching your answer many platforms implement chatbots, where you simply write down your questions or sometimes even only keywords and bot fill find the right answer for you.


As customer’s behaviours change stores shall follow new posibilities including safe and quick possibility to pay for products. Right now credit card payments are the least prefered option. Still many people use fast money transfers, but more and more are more likely to use mobile payment system like Blik or mobile pay directly from their mobile wallets like Apple Pay, Google Pay, etc. One of the very fresh trends is providing a possibility of deleyed payment – buy now, pay later model (provided ie. by Klarna or PayPo ). Thanks to that users can make a purchase, try a product and decide wheater it was the one they were looking for. This option can bring savings of costs and energy, which normally are connected to the procedure of returning goods.

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Social selling

Anyone who ever had any connection to social media have heard a joke: „You don’t have a Facebook account – it means you don’t exist”. It seems partly true – almost every person who has an internet connection has the account at at least one of social media platforms. They are not only a good place to run marketing and promotions. During few last years those platforms have developed their own online stores, where brands can sell their goods. It is yet another thing that aims to simplify purchasing process. User scrolls the wall anyway, so having a possibilty to buy a product they see directly is more likely they will buy it.

Mobile apps

Smartphones are now the most preffered devices for internet usage. To make shopping experience even easier many companies develop their own mobile apps which offer not only simpler way of looking through their offer, but also provide atractive discounts for users.

Augmented Reality

Why augemented reality becomes more and more popular in sales industry? The answer is simpler than we can imagine and in fact in most cases it comes to imagination – or to be exact that you don’t have to imagine no more – now you can see it.

Augmented Reality is a technology that overlays digital content on the real world. It means that retailer with 3D visualizations of products can give customers a real feel experience of how the product would fit into their reality (ie. how new piece of furniture will look like in specific room).

But AR is also something more – thanks to that users can see the product all around in 3D, which allows to see many details that could not have been noticed on simple photos. If you want to know more about AR in e-commerce, read the post about the benefits of implementing augmented reality in e-commerce.

Now that you know how new trends can change your business and you can try to implement the AR technology to yours. Simply fill out See My Model’s contact form and we will guide your way to new customer experienace.

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Author: Krzysztof Basista

Krzysztof Basista


For years, he has been involved in AR / VR projects ranging from entertainment to heavy industry. Always looking for problem solving through technology.

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